Also, funds for an upcoming multi-city trip to China are now being encouraged. $1,300 is needed for that trip in the next six weeks. Contributions can be designated at The Vineyard Church site Give to Bielby's China trip for 2014 you can set up a free account there (if you don't have one already) and use checks or debit/cc's to give. Please select the Taiwan/Bielby fund or we will not receive the funds. You can also designate checks or cash in the offering plates during worship services at the Vineyard sites throughout central Illinois or mail a check into The Vineyard Church 1500 N. Lincoln Ave. Urbana, IL 61801
Gifts may qualify for tax deductions depending on your situation.
Additional funds received if any, will be used to help the Bielbys overall ministry to Asians.
I think its exciting to see what God is going to do in this ministry