Our current project in Asia at Oasis in Tianmu, Taipei City
I've been functioning as a coach at Oasis during the last 10 weeks as we have been exploring new ministry options God has opened up for us in Taipei. This is part of what we've been able to do during that time. In about 8 weeks we've been able to present, prepare and roll-out this project in cooperation with staff and volunteers at the church. It should be running on it's own without our supervision soon. Initial reaction from the congregation and staff has been very positive.
Finding Your “Godspot” at Oasis
As we’ve been saying in the worship services recently at Oasis, some exciting opportunities are unfolding. Using the best tools on the market, we have crafted a custom process at Oasis that we are currently setting up at the new Godspot Station. This is a place by the sound booth in the sanctuary where you can sign up to meet with a Godspot Counselor (we’re training four of them this week and next week). The Godspot Counselors are specially trained to help you identify and confirm your spiritual gifts. They also are familiar with the ministries at Oasis that we’ve taken a lot of time to define. The goal of meeting with a Godspot Counselor is to help you not only know what your spiritual gifts are, but to help you identify and connect with at least one ministry at Oasis where you can use your spiritual gifts to encourage others.
The process is a fluid one that should be regularly refined as time goes on. That’s normal, but in the beginning as we get things rolling, more changes and work will have to be done until we all get the hang of it. So if you questions, please ask them because odds are more people are thinking the same thing. Questions give us a chance to clarify things and help everyone move forward with unity.
Our hope is that everyone in the church will know their spiritual gifts, and that others around them will know their spiritual gifts as well. In addition, we want to help you do ministry that we all agree you are specially gifted by the Holy Spirit to do. And so as we discover what everyones spiritual gifts are, then we can start to deploy teachers and coaches to help everyone mature in the use of their spiritual gifts.
Can you imagine what will happen if everyone at Oasis is able to take their place and feel fully empowered to do ministry using what they’ve personally received from God as gifts to do? Oasis can truly then change the world!
How to start? You can start by giving your contact information to the office. Just sign up on the clipboards at the back of the church in the sanctuary.
Some Tools
We have a spiritual gifts to ministry index in English and Chinese. We also have a ministry to spiritual gifts index in both languages. At the same time we have a complete ministry description for over 30 ministries at Oasis. By this time next week that may exceed 40. We also have assessment tools, like a spiritual gifts test and other assorted tools in English and Chinese. In development is a grid to help the Godspot Counselors more quickly match spiritual gifts to potential ministries.
Some published goals for Oasis’ Finding Your Godspot 2012.
By April 22 four Godspot Counselors successfully complete their training.
By September 1 we have finished assessing and confirming spiritual gifts for 75 people 13 years old and up in Oasis.
By September 1 we have placed a minimum of 56 people 13 years old and up in ministries that we all agree are their Godspot ministries!
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