Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our flag is the glorious gospel of Christ!

The last month I was in Taipei I shared the core concepts of the glorious gospel whenever I could. The Lord Jesus confirmed His gospel with decisions to follow Jesus, three baptisms on my last week-end there, two healings (one of an elderly lady who walked with a cain in pain, but all her pain left her that day), and then the very first Sunday we arrived in Urbana one of our friends from Taipei, who just moved to Urbana to do a Masters/PhD track in Chemistry asked me to baptize her! Overflow from Taipei back to Urbana! How awesome! Through faith in the blood of Christ on the cross we have access to God's presence. And so we can come boldly before God and do Psalm 46:10a. This verse says "Be still and know that I am God!" I interpret this as experiencing God! In His presence we set aside our guards, we drop our defenses and we welcome Him into our spirit. As we are transformed from glory to glory in His presence we intensify as a portal of His presence and glory and love. Here are some lyrics from my meditations on this verse. "Be still and feel my holy fire. Be still and see my beaming love. Be still and see my beams of radiant love. Let them overwhelm you like the waves of a mighty ocean--know Me! I let my soul open to You! My heart welcomes Your holy fire. My eyes drink in your beams of love--You overwhelm me like the waves, like the waves of a mighty ocean when they crash suddenly on the shore." Did we mention that Amy and I are now grandparents? Our daughter Hosanna gave birth to our very first grandchild on August 21. We are so excited about baby Ellianna! She's beautiful, happy and clearly (in our opinion) the finest grandchild God ever made! As some of you have heard me say for a few decades now, the Lord visited me in 1992 and called me to preach the gospel. As we stepped out by faith, sold our home in Olathe, Kansas, gave up our business and pursued the Lord the first days of 1995 we have seen God lead us and guide us from point to point on this journey. Sometimes the roads were paved with exciting divine provision, sometimes we wondered how God was going to provide. We have never been let down by the Lord yet, even though we have walked through the valley of the shadow of death and come through it. Our lives are a testimony to God's faithfulness to those who put their trust in the work of the cross. We are now in a transition season. Here's what we feel God is saying to us. Focus on Asians in Champaign/Urbana, learn from leaders at The Vineyard Church, gleaning their best qualities to enhance what we already have from the Lord, pursue a grad degree so that I can train ministers in an accredited undergrad setting. Amy is praying about substitute teaching. We will take the next few weeks to pray through these things and make sure we're on track while we rest up from the stress of moving and resetting our ministry focus from Taipei to East Central Illinois. We deeply appreciate your standing with us by faith. You can continue supporting us through same methods available the past three years. Please check to make sure your contributions are still being sent. A few have dropped off inadvertently. Giving links are found on this website just below the youtube videos I have displayed for you to view. If you have trouble finding them, please write me. Stories of how God moved since we last wrote you: This past June, when we arrived in the USA, Candis Laesch generously loaned her Saturn to us. It was our means of transportation since then. A few days ago I was contacted by Jim Egli at The Vineyard Church. He said a Honda Accord that was being donated to the church might be available for us to use. I expressed interest. Then a week or so later he contacted me to let me know that the car had come through and would be given to us! About 60 minutes later we heard from Candis that she would need her vehicle back by the week-end! Literally the same week that we returned Candis' car we were given a car by the church. I am getting it tagged and licensed this week as we prepare it to use. So right when we needed a car, the Holy Spirit moved to provide one for us! See the photo of the car we were given.

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